Styling Your Hijab To Suit Your Face Shape

Usually, the face shape that hair dressers try to achieve with various cuts and styles is the oval shape as this is considered to be the most flattering. As a general rule, people blessed with a naturally oval shape usually suit most hair styles. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m going on about hair styles and not hijab styles, well, because these rules can be applied to the hijab. First you need to discover the shape of your face:


Hana Tajima - My Adorable Favourite Style

I always adore the unique and the creativeness of Hana Tajima she is one of my most favorite Hijab Style icon fashionista when it comes to Muslim modest way of dressing to the modern world.

hana tajina simpson

As I said it before..... Hana Tajima Simpson  is one of my most favorite when it comes to hijab style or fashion style.


Dresses That Fits For Hijab 2012

Just few dresses that fits for hijab 2012... Dresses for wedding and evening hijab veiled serve a total of .. of the most beautiful designs Costumes 2012 of dresses suit “HIJAB” veiled. today we offer what the new ideas of hijab outfitscolors and a soft thin fit all objects … thin and fat models overcome before the day inspired by the spirit of the East and the Arab fashion, including distinguishes them and gives them the character of its own beauty and charm hope you would admire it also.


Hijab Evening Dresses 2012

Hijab evening dresses 2012... Dresses Evening Wear for veiled so beautiful, elegance, designs soft and thin suit Evening wear for women veiled with new ideas and models of Luxury raw materials, very nice of fabrics as silks and satins embroidered very thin and accessories simple to complement your style on that night .. even the colors of the Rose and White Off White and in line with different skin colors and highlights your beauty..


“rabia z” Hijab Fashion 2012

“rabia z” hijab fashion 2012. Casual Wear veiled introduction of the rabia z stores where they fit modern hijab for trendy veiled girl as she Coordinator loose and beautiful colors and high quality raw materials from cotton to be comfortable with the process and maintain the beauty of the design.


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